In this section, you can see all bookings made and also all rooms availability.

Here you can add a new booking, edit or cancel an old one. You can also rearrange quickly the dates of a booking by dragging it on the calendar.
Click on the booking to see complete booking details and the booking edit screen.
With the search filters, you can select a room/property and the calendar will only show the selected room bookings.

You can also search for bookings on a specific date by clicking on the Select date field.
2 ways to add new bookings:
Click (tap) on the “New booking” button.
Click (tap) on any check-in date in the calendar and hold down the left button of the mouse and drag (hold and drag your finger on a mobile screen) and release at the check-out date.
On the left side of the calendar, you will see all rooms/properties and their associated Rates.
If you click on a room/property you will be taken to that room/property back end Details screen where you can see all details and click on the Edit button to edit any of them.
If you click on a Rate you will be taken to the back end Rate details screen where you can see all details and click on the Edit button to edit them.

Opposite each Rate in the calendar (right-hand side) you will see all dates of a month. Cells in blue will show the rate for each day (night) and cells in grey will say “No rate”. If you click (tap) on a grey cell you will be taken to the Rate details screen where you can see the Rate Start and End dates - click on the Edit button to change those dates if you wish. If you click (tap) on a blue cell you will see a popup which allows you to manually override the price for this day (night) - click on “Submit” to save or “Cancel” to close the popup.

The “Back” button in the top left corner will take you back to the Dashboard.