In this section, you will see all reviews submitted for your company by your customers through the reviews and feedback system. Each review entry will show the reviewer name and date and time when the review was submitted.
You can publish, unpublish and delete reviews but in general, we advise that you leave all reviews on the system, even the negative ones. Just make sure you reply to each and every review so your customers and your potential customers know that you are listening to them.
If there is a negative review just reply to it politely and explain what the problem was and what steps did you take to fix it. Also, promise that this problem will not happen again to your future customers. This way this negative review will actually turn into a very positive PR material for you.
To reply on a review click on the name of the reviewer to open the review in a conversation mode. Type in your reply and click Send, an email will be sent to the reviewer and your reply will be listed at the front end under the customer’s review.